

things i don't understand and sometimes fear:
growing up
eating vegetables
the computer, aka technology
talking out loud
organizing closets
math, numbers, and logic (as a course)
critical humans who think they pretty much know it all already
crowded places
misunderstanding/being misunderstood

things i don't understand and fascinate me:
growing up
eating vegetables
the computer, aka technology
talking out loud
organizing closets
math, numbers, and logic (as a course)
critical humans who think they pretty much know it all already
crowded places
misunderstanding/being misunderstood

explanation: this was sort of a free-writing moment. was simply thinking about fears and setbacks and such, and then suddenly a paradox appeared. hmmmm. the things i fear, the things i dislike, are often the things that teach something needed for the next step...  love to freewrite. brings out what might otherwise fester, there's some quote about that i think....
"Look sharply after your thoughts. They come unlooked for, like a new bird seen in your trees, and, if you turn to your usual task, disappear." 
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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